Welcome to the Optimist Club of Gulf Breeze, Florida
optimist corporate sponsorSHIP program
These sponsorships are designed to allow civic-minded individuals, organizations and businesses to participate in all fundraisers and receive recognition for supporting Gulf Breeze Optimist programs with one annual donation of $1,200 for silver level or $1,500 for gold level. Contact any Optimist to participate. Our corporate sponsors receive . . .
Both levels receive recognition here and on our Facebook page
Gold Level
5 x 3 vinyl sponsor banner displayed at all Optimist events
Full page ad in the Fishing Rodeo book
4 tickets to the Fishing Rodeo
Gulf team with 2 Tee signs
one large tall tree or two shorter ones Christmas trees
Silver Level
5 x 3 vinyl sponsor banner displayed at all Optimist events
Full page ad in the Fishing Rodeo book
2 tickets to the Fishing Rodeo
Gulf team with one Tee sign
one 7 ft Christmas trees